Thursday, May 17

So Much for That Idea

I had intended to go to the post office today, but changed my mind. Why? I'm so glad you asked - it means I can demonstrate that I loaded the camera software, so I can now post photos! So here's #1.
What you're looking at is the view from my front porch around 11AM this morning. That greyish haze is not artifact or poor photograpy. The wind has shifted again, and that's smoke from the fires burning in Okeefenokee and points south. It's much thicker now, with places in town with visibility measured at less than a quarter mile.
This is not good stuff to breathe for any length of time, especially for one with lung problems. So as long as it looks like that, yours truly remains indoors, with all the nice filtered air.
If y'all will excuse me now, I'm going to do some knitting, and hopefully I'll be able to show you some progress next post!

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